the durability of materials is understanding the
moisture and ion transport"
University of Technology
Various group photos
- Darcy center
- Theo Overbeek center
- New web page Eindhoven University on 'the science behind museum visit': part wood damage and salts crystallization damage
- New EU-project CRYStallization damage at the INTerfaces of ARTworks (start 2020)
- Is our heat battery really loss free?
- cursor Darcy lab (1.5T MRI etc : pdf in Dutch) Slash Darcy lab (pdf in Dutch)
Previously hosted by TPM
For reactions or information please contact: Dr.ir. Leo Pel Eindhoven University of Technology Department of Physics P.O. Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven the Netherlands E-mail: l.pel@tue.nl Telephone:+31 40 2473406
Since 19-01-1998
Last updated june-2022