While a material is drying salt crystallisation may occur at the surface, causing defacing (efflorescence), or just under the surface, where it may cause structural damages, e.g., delamination, surface chipping, or desintegration. Here a few examples are given of damages due to salt crystallization.
    Often on new buildings in the Netherlands often salt efflorescence is seen. This is an example of a visual damage.


          Example of white effloresence on a new housing project.

Examples of visual damage on new buildings

Example of white effloresence on a new housing project.


Examples of sodium sulfate crystallization on masonry in a building in New Orleans


Examples of salt damage at Völkerschlacht monument in Leipzig


Example of damages to the plaster of a church in Zeeland (the Netherlands)  due to its flooding
in the 'watersnoodramp' of 1953.


An extreme example of a damage of masony due to the flooding in Zeeland



Examples of rising damp in Venice Italy.
One has tried to stop it by ventilation (left) or by a mechanical barrier(right).

An example of a concrete structure exposed to sea water


Salt efflorescence in a chuch in Portugal. In the salt efflorescence the crack pattern can be recognized.